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Equi - Vision is a socially conscious company. Our training activities promotes social inclusion and active citizenship.

Equality and Diversity Audits

Is your organisation or business equal and diverse?

We help you conduct reviews of your business so you can monitor the diversity of your workforce and eliminate discrimination.


We consider age, race, gender and disability according to the appropriate legislation to make sure your organisation is representative and has a functioning equalities policy.


This programme is especially good for employers seeking to ensure that they are fair and balanced when appointing, promoting and organising staff.


Our diversity audits are indespensible tools for every type of organisation.

Employment Monitoring Reports


An employment monitoring report (EMR) is produced to provide an annual update on how your business is performing against the monitoring of statutory duties to your employees. This report aims to:

  • enable you to determine whether processes and procedures are successfully providing equality or opportunity for all employees

  • consider ways to improve any weaknesses in data collection and data quality

The Equality Act 2010

Download The Equality Act 2010 – guidance for employers [221kb] 

quick start guide.


The Equality Act became law in October 2010. It replaces previous legislation (such as the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and ensures consistency in what you need to do to make your workplace a fair environment and to comply with the law.

You can find out all you need to know about what the changes mean for employers and how to review and monitor your existing policies in these two useful guides:

  The Equality Act 2010 – guidance for employers [221kb]

  Advisory booklet - Delivering Equality and Diversity [459kb]

What does equality and diversity mean?


What is equality?


Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.

Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the aforementioned areas. Bullying, harassment or victimization are also considered as equality and diversity issues.


What is diversity?


Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.

Is equality and diversity a legal requirement?


Equality is about 'creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential' (DoH, 2004). By eliminating prejudice and discrimination, your organisation can deliver services that are personal, fair and diverse and a society that is healthier and happier.


All organisations need to be transparent about how they respond to the Equality Duty, as required by the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. This involves setting clear equality objectives and publishing information on their efforts to achieve them.

© 2015 by Equi-Vision Services Ltd.  designed and developed by claude fontanelle

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