Recruitment Live is a unique and ground breaking event for the recruitment industry.
Now in its second year, Recruitment Live offers the recruitment industry the perfect opportunity to meet and discuss the future of the industry. As last year, this discussion takes two forms. Firstly, there is the chance for every recruiter, recruitment business owner, expert and supplier to meet, share ideas and understand what new techniques, processes, ideas and approaches they might need in order to move their own practice and businesses on. There is the chance to talk directly to industry experts who have key insights into the way the recruitment industry is developing and how recruiters can improve their game to deliver precisely what candidates and clients require. There is a chance to meet leading edge industry suppliers face to face, experience the best in recruitment services and products and explore how these can improve every day recruitment.
The second form of discussion that occurs at Recruitment Live is the high level debate that shapes the industry itself. Recruitment Live was created through a demand from the industry for a forum where industry representatives, experts and recruiters themselves could meet and discuss ideas. It’s a place where the high level influences on the industry can be identified and talked about. A place where the direction of the industry itself, in terms of legislation, best practice and advocacy can be developed and clarified.
Coming after a general election, Recruitment Live 2015 will see the industry ready to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the new government and cautious to raise concerns about any apparent difficulties the new government’s approach may create. It is a vital time for the industry to come together and discuss high level issues within the industry. A vital time to create and put forward a united front that shows how the industry is determined to make a difference and continue to support the wider UK economy in the future.
The Global Recruiter prides itself on keeping pace with and reflecting the concerns of the recruitment industry. It has built firm relationships with all the leading recruitment industry representative bodies and has also made connections with business organisation outside the industry, tapping into the thoughts and concerns of industry leaders who depend on the recruitment industry for the success of their organisations.
Recruitment Live capitalises on the privileged position the publication has within the industry. The event attracts headline speakers and organisations who can speak directly to the industry today. Rather than being an external party arranging an event, The Global Recruiter is integral to the recruitment market on a daily basis, sourcing and integrating diverse view points and experiences of organisations and individuals in one location.
Recruitment Live is the must-attend event for recruiters. A vital date on the calendar and part of the industry and the movement to take recruitment on to the next level. Attended by new recruiters, established business leaders and everyone in between, the event will give visitors access to the tools and ideas they need to do something different in their workplace – something that makes a tangible difference and a step improvement to their business. Recruitment Live is a place where new ideas can grow – where recruiters can develop an approach that will work for them.